At Billabong High we try to go beyond conventional schooling, we offer students a mix of activities around the year to sustain interest and develop every aspect of a child's personality.
Billabong High is a unique school in the way we provide sports opportunities to our students. Our sports program rivals the best international schools in the world.
Physical Education is offered to all students upto grade 8. These lessons are build into the regular school timings.
Billabong High is the only school in Maldives that offers a comprehensive after school sports program at no additional fee. The School has hired a team of expert coaches for various sports to train the students. The program is supported by various sports academies and sports associations.
Primary school sessions are held on Monday and Wednesday
Secondary school sessions are held on Sunday and Tuesday
The activities we offer are as follows:

Billabong High Sports Policy
Playing sport or taking part in physical activities will helps students to stay fit and healthy. Playing sport at school is also the first step to competition at the highest level. But when students leave school they often stop playing sports and can lead to a less healthy lifestyle. Therefore, at BHIS we want to get more students playing sport safely from a young age, and help them keep playing sport throughout their life.
Physical activity not only improves health, reduces stress and improves concentration, but also promotes correct physical growth and development. Exercise has a positive influence on academic achievement, emotional stability and interaction with others. Therefore both teachers and children should be aware of its importance.
Our aim at BHIS is to offer and involve all students in a sport on a regular basis throughout their schooling.
Every student participates in a sport (and or in a physical activity).
To promote a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle by developing self-motivation to take part in a sport/physical activity during schooling years;
To contribute to the physical development of each child- size, strength, fitness, speed, gross and fine motor skill;
To contribute to the intellectual development of each child;
To help establish the individual child's self-esteem and confidence.
To develop social skills (co-operating in groups, playing fairly to rules, mixing with children from other schools).
Program Structure
The program will be offered during the following periods
Semester 1 - Feb to May
Semester 2 - July to October (Secondary) & Nov 15th for primary
There will be no sports program during month of RAMAZAN and December.
The participation in Sports program is mandatory for Primary & Middle School students.
After school Sports is optional for Secondary students. However, we highly recommend that they pursue a sports, as it might be good for them from the health point of view. Pursuing Sports is also a mandatory prerequisite for attaining qualifications under the Duke of Edinburgh's Award.
Enrollment Process
Students will choose the particular sports at the start of the year.
Parents can submit their choice through the online form.
However, students who do not participate in school sports will have their sports attendance marked as ZERO in their reports cards
Final list should be prepared by the third week of January
Sports Program will begin by 1 Feb each year.
Each student should participate in (at least) a (one) sport.
Once a student registers to a sport s/he should be committed to participate in that sport for at least one semester. The student can opt to change a sports in the second semester.
Sports Calendar
Sports department will prepare a sports calendar based on the various activities scheduled by the MOE.
Sports department will choose the activities which they have the competence and expertise to participate.
The calendar will also schedule each month, friendly inter-school matches for various sports.
Sports training scheduled for the teams participating in the inter school matches
Ideally, the practice will begin 2 month before the tournament.
Absenteeism from Sports practices and matches
If for any reason, a student cannot take in a training session, s/he should notify to the sports teacher ot sports manager (latest one hour before the session).
Anyone who is not at school may not play in a match or attend practice that day.
Dress Code/Uniform
School sports uniform should be worn for training. In some instances there might be exception to wear other training uniforms, with the approval from the sports department.
Competition attire will be decided by the sports department, after consultation with the respective stakeholders (e.g., coach, National Sports Associations etc).
In the event of a student fails to follow the uniform code during training and or during the competition, the school has the right to exclude that student (or team) from the competition and take appropriate disciplinary actions.
Team Selection
Teams will be selected on attendance and merit.
The coaches in collaboration with the school’s sports department select the teams.
The decision taken on team selection is final.
Code of Conduct
Students must behave appropriately during practices and matches.
All players are expected to show good sportsmanship at all times towards the officials, referees/umpires and the members of the opposing team and their management and supporters.
Note: Sports that are not offered in the school can be pursued through its respective national sports association, academies and the school will try its best to facilitate the process. Hence, those students who participate in a sport outside of school sports program should;Notify to Sports department in written form, through his/her respective sports association/ club/ academy;The parent(s) should arrange with the respective sports association/club/ academy to forward an attendance sheet at the end of each month. Failure to do so (within the first 5 working days of each month), will end up getting ‘zero’ for that month’s attendance.
Cancellation of schedules practice or match
Practices continue irrespective if there is a (of) matches that week.
In the event of a practice cancelled or curtailed due to rain (or extreme heat), school will inform parents through text message or students will be asked to phone their parents to collect them.
Sports offered(physical activity) for different grades
Grade 1 & 2
Athletics, Basketball, Badminton, Table tennis and Football
Grades 3 to 12
Football, Basketball, Cricket, Athletics, Swimming, Badminton, Table tennis and Zumba
Sports Practices are held at Ekuveni Sports Ground, Male' Artificial Beach and in Buru Park, while all others take place in our school premises. The school encourages the students to participate in the program and is mandatory for all students. Students are excused only on medical grounds.
Sports Day
We conduct our Annual Sports Day with much fanfare and excitement. Our Sports Day gives children a wonderful arena to display their sporting talents, team spirit and sportsmanship. The focus is on participation more than winning.
Inter-school Sports Events
We also participate in inter-school competitions and compete against other local schools. Though our school is relatively young and inexperienced compared to other schools in the country, we have climbed great heights and achieved much popularity in field of sports within the past years.
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